Fun Toys

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How has Barbie affected today

It's Barbie's 50th today!

I was curious how you feel barbie has influenced you life, do you have any stories about her when you were young. Did you know West Virginia is considering banning her what is your view on this?

I think it's so cool that they want her out of West Virginia... I mean really, at least to me, a barbie was like that role model everyone needs to be in order to be beautiful..

You know,, blonde, slim, tall, blue eyed... etc..

And it can destroy a little girl's selfsteem. It makes you want to be someone else. Which is just horrible..

I think Barbie really F'ed up today's society....

Most young adolescents (teens) almost as young as 10 to 16 are displaying this "Barbie" image.... where you always have to have "designer clothes" and you can only wear "brand name" things....

I PERSONALLY think, girls would develop a sense of maturity at a much younger age....then they do now with their "Barbies" or "Perfect looking girl"....

P.S: Not being sexist here.......

You know adults bring so many prejudices to Barbie, that kids wouldn't even think about. When I was little I LOVED playing with Barbies. In fact playing with Barbies helped me to express my creativity. I 'd spend hours playing in the back yard with friends, or in my room with my sister. For Christmas I couldn't wait to unwrap the shiny rectangle-shaped box that I knew held a brand new Barbie doll. And as far as barbie being anti-feminist in anyway, well I wouldn't agree. I may have had a whole collection of Barbie dolls, but I could also take on any boy in a wrestling match.

Really? I don't remember Barbie when I was a child. I would have been 12 then. I never had a Barbie doll. I think it makes girls think that life is all about looking thin, having the right clothes and being a slut. I think all dolls are stupid anyway.. never liked them.

What is wrong with that word?? S l u t. It is what it is.

First of all, if you are going to ban Barbie, you'd have to ban dolls like bratz as well!

I don't think Barbie is responsible for girls these days having self esteem issues. Barbie has been around for more than this generation. In fact, I've seen a decline in the stuff that is available for Barbies as compared to when I was a kid. And I don't remember it ever being about designer clothes. I remember the cute clothes she had, but there weren't any labels...they were just cute clothes. Not too mention I used to love the clothes that were handmade just for my barbies.

I never grew up thinking I had to be tall, curvy, and have thick, full blonde hair to be beautiful. Sure, I'm blonde, but my hair definitely isn't full. If anything Barbie taught me to be proud of my personal style. My dolls were different from my friends' dolls, and vice versa.

People who pin this self esteem issues on Barbie seem to be looking for an easy way out of their problems. It's a stinkin' doll. If I have girl, I have every intention of letting her play with Barbies. They taught me to use my creativity and imagination.

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